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Thursday, October 25, 2007

Snellville election through the eyes of twin 13 year olds

My daughter had just sat down to a bowl of cereal when she looked up at the clock and realized she had about one minute to eat it.

"Mom...could you pleeeease drive us to school?"

"Oh okay, I wish you had looked at the time first - but I want you to eat breakfast, so yeah I'll take ya."

(insert my barely comprehensible mumblings about having a head cold and feeling bad here) ...but I'm a sucker for those pretty begging eyes.

I have twin daughters - they are fraternal (not identical) twins. On the way to school, we passed a lot of Bruce Garraway and Kelly Kautz election signs.

I asked them, "If you were old enough to vote, would those signs effect who you would vote for - I mean, because you see a lot of a certain person's sign, would you think to yourself, 'everybody else is voting for them, I guess I will too.' ?"

My oldest daughter said immediately,

"No, I wouldn't make my decision on only that."

My youngest daughter said no at first and then she wavered...

"Well, it might..... if I wasn't sure who I should vote for."

Then we talked about if a person should vote at all if a person isn't sure.

(I was having a Linda Ellerbee moment)...

"Shouldn't a person make sure they get educated as much as they can before they vote?"

"Is it better to vote when you're unsure or not to vote at all if you aren't sure?"

My youngest daughter remarked thoughtfully,

"But they say you should always vote."

What do you think?
Do the signs effect who you're going to vote for?

If you need to find out more in order to make your decision, I have collected the links of the candidates HERE