Are you concerned? Are you doing anything to conserve water?
Our family, as a rule, needs to use less water - even though I think we use less than a lot of families. Because I have two 13 year old daughters, you know it's a constant battle to get them out of the bathroom. I keep explaining that you can get as clean with a 5-minute shower as you can with a 30 minute shower. They also think, if a shirt falls off a hanger and onto the floor, it's instantly dirty and needs to be laundered. They'll be doing their own laundry, so they will have to do the work, and I think that will correct that problem!
Are you taking your car to one of the car wash places? I keep meaning to, but I haven't gotten around to it. My youngest children get scared in the car washes, and it's hard to find a good time to go. But even pre-drought, I wasn't the type of person to be out washing my car every weekend (ie lazy LOL) - so you can imagine how awful my car looks now! It's a gray car, and it should be white. It now has some vertical stripes on the sides, from when I washed my windows at Quick Trip and the water dripped down. Now THAT is a classy look.
I do get ticked off when I see businesses watering their properties (mostly seen on US78 going toward Loganville) time they were watering while it was raining! (insert primal scream here)....what is the fine for watering when you're not supposed to? I think I remember reading somewhere that the fine is $1,000 ... that may be the problem - it's too low to really bother them. To a housing or retail developer, a thousand dollars is nothing. It's equivalent to fining me 10 bucks. Maybe commercial zoned property owners should be charged at a higher fine than residental zoned...if not already.
Gwinnett County Outdoor Water Use Guidelines - water restriction schedule for Snellville and all of Gwinnett County.
Photo Credit: Alex DeClerk
My car needs to be washed, and I am going to do it!...The next time I rains I am taking a bucket of soap outside and washing the car in the rain.
ReplyDeleteI was thinking about doing that too! But not if there's lightning!!!