To help you locate gas in Snellville, I have put a 'feed' to the updates about gas in Snellville here in the blog. For now, it's located near the top right. Click on the item you're interested in to find out more details -- especially how long ago the report was posted.
If you want to find gas in the Atlanta metro area at large, then do a Google search for #atlgas and follow the link.
If you find gas, you can also help others by joining Twitter (free, and it takes only about 10 seconds to get going), then post when you find gas, report on how long the line is, and the prices you saw. We can only get through this if we help each other.
Also, don't forget to tell friends and family they can easily find out the info by visiting this blog. I will keep the Snellville gas information up in that spot until October 13th or so...after that, I will probably still have it on this blog, but I'll move it back to the left side, where the other driving links are.