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Friday, April 02, 2010

Snellville Summer Camps

There are more summer camps in Gwinnett and in the Atlanta metro area of course, but these are the camps taking place in Snellville. If you would like a more comprehensive list of all the Atlanta area summer camps, pick up an issue of Atlanta Parent for free at Snellville Publix stores (in the free magazine displays by the door.) I am not recommending any of these camps, just sharing the information.

Camp Briscoe at Briscoe Park
Ages 6-12.
June through August.
8 am to 4 pm
Features: Crafts, sports, games, swimming, more.
$85-$110 per week.
Snellville Parks and Recreation: 770-985-3535

LaPetite Academy Summer Camp
Ages 5-12
May through August
6:30 am to 6:30 pm
Features: Weekly themes including sports, cooking, animals, magic, superheroes, and community service, field trips.
Most start at $110 per week, but price varies by location

Legacy Academy Summer Camp
Ages 5-12
May through August
6:30 am to 6:30 pm
Features: Friendships, outdoor fun, creativity.
Starts at $150 per week, rate may vary by locations

Super Model Boot Camp
Ages 13-18
June 17 through July 30
One week sessions from 9 am to 3 pm
Features: Build self-esteem and confidence with wardrobe, hair, skincare and makeup lessons.
$300 per week
2400 Wisteria Drive, Snellville 30078.
Phone 770-906-5193