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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Snellville shooting

Unfortunately, Snellville isn't immune to the same types of crimes that happen all over the U.S.

You may have heard about a teenager being shot near Snellville's South Gwinnett and Britt schools during a football game.

There is a large parking lot beside Britt Elementary. People park there and walk across Skyland Drive to get to the football field. The shooting happened in front of Britt Elementary School.

Britt Elementary School, Snellville Ga.
Members of the high school band were kept inside the school on lock-down. It sounds to me like South Gwinnett followed proper safety procedures for students and staff.

The Snellville Police Department is handling this case, with assistance from Gwinnett County Public Schools' Police.

Click here for updates on the shooting in Snellville