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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sunday Sales Q & A

The Sunday sales issue will likely end up on the ballot in Snellville. Here's some questions you may have about what House passage of Senate Bill 10 could mean for us, answered by Jerry Oberholtzer Jr.

Q: What needs to be done for Snellville to hold a referendum?
A: After the Governor signs the bill into law, a majority of the Mayor & City Council must vote to put question on the ballot.

Q: Is there political support for it?
A: Mayor Jerry Oberholtzer has already pledged to bring it before the City Council.

Q: When can the referendum be held?
A: The Georgia Secretary of State sets certain dates throughout the year that elections can be held. The next date is Tuesday, November 8, 2011.

Q: How much extra will it cost the city to hold the referendum?
A: Nothing! The city already has general council elections scheduled for November, so it would cost nothing extra to add the question to the ballot.

Q: How quickly would Sunday Sales go into effect if the vote passes?
A: Almost immediately, much like the by-the-glass Sunday Sales vote last July, the city will be ready to process sunday sales retail permits immediately.

Q: What about Gwinnett County? When will they hold a referendum?
A: Since Gwinnett has no scheduled elections this year, they may decide to wait until February 2012 for the Presidential Primary. A special election just for Sunday Sales would cost the county over $350k in operation costs. Although the Gwinnett Daily Post has reported that the school system is expected to call a vote for the re-authorization of its sales tax program, in which case the county could just add Sunday Sales to that ballot.

Q: Does that mean you may be able to buy on Sundays in Snellville and NOT in unicorporated Gwinnett county for a few months?
A: Yes.

Q: Why is this more important than the vote last year?
A: Both votes are important, but Sunday Sales of retail sales will effect our major supermarkets, gas stations, and wine shops. They are the main engine of Snellville's economy.

Q: Will this bring Liquor Stores to Snellville?
A: NO. State law requires a separate vote specifically for Liquor Sales, and in order to hold a referendum on that issue, you have to collect a petition of 35% of the registered voters in Snellville, which is around 3,500 voters. Only 2,100 people voted in the July 2010 Sunday Sales referendum.

Q: What if I have more questions?
A: Feel free to ask them on the "I Support Sunday Sales in Snellville" Facebook Page.

Explore More: Listen to WGST interview of Jamie Dempsey , recorded on April 14 2011 after House passage of Senate Bill 10, which allowed local option balloting for Sunday retail alcohol sales in Georgia.

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