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Saturday, December 15, 2007

Rich Sullivan sounds off about Snellville LBTD laws

From Rich Sullivan's MySpace Blog:

"Snellville has no Sunday liquor by-the-drink inside the city limits. That means that if you're at Applebee's or O'Charley's watching the game (I recommend Applebee's by the way) you won't be able to have a drink. No beer. No wine. No liquor. Nothing. They are bone dry on Sunday.

Last week I invited newly reelected Mayor Jerry Oberholtzer of Snellville out to Applebee's to see what it looks like have a restaraunt with dry taps. He knows all about it. And he's with me. He wants there to be Sunday liquor by-the-drink in the city. He knows how much tax revenue could come from it. He knows that it means more money in the Snellville economy in the long run. He gets it. Councilwoman Kelly Kautz does not.

She's the one that's holding all of this up.

The Mayor told me today that if we can convince Kautz to bring this law up as a Referendum and get her to vote yes on it, the Council could call a special session and get this law changed - within a matter of 1 - 2 WEEKS!

That's right - we could get this thing turned around by Christmas!

Stay tuned for more details on this....

Will and I will be planning a Town Hall meeting soon - probably at Mellow Mushroom on 78 in the next few weeks to discuss the game plan from here.

In the meantime, if you live in Snellville or in Gwinnett and support this cause, email Kelly Kautz ( of the Snellville City Council and just let her know that you are in favor of Sunday liquor by-the-drink sales inside the Snellville city limits.

And be sure to stress that it's all about tax revenue and keeping the Snellville economy moving in the right direction.

Remember: the Avenue Webb Ginn could have been in the city limits of Snellville, but they went outside so that their restaraunts could pour on Sunday! That's alot of money and jobs that Snellville is missing out on because of an old, outdated law that doesn't promote good business!!!"

What do you think? Is Rich right or wrong? Post a comment...


  1. Sully, Good luck reaching Ms. Kautz. Last time I emailed her it took over a month for her to respond.

  2. When is Ms. Kautz term up anyway? This is a new day and age where all cities/states need to change their way of thinking.
    I'm not for "drinking" per say but if it will help with revenue, jobs and such then I'm all for it as long as there are more cops on the beat.


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