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Thursday, February 23, 2006

kidsignments sale is on!

I went to the Kidsignments sale the other day. Made it a very quick trip but still managed to get several pairs of jeans for my daughters at about $5 per pair. One pair of jeans was brand new, still with tags, and a beautiful belt, for only $9. The original store tag on these Mudd jeans said $36. That is just one example of the wonderful deals you can get at this huge consignment sale. I also was able to get two men's Huffy bicycles in great condition for only $25 each, and there are lots of good toy bargains also. I snagged a Discovery Toys Marbleworks for only $10 (retails for $30) and my kids have been having tons of fun with that.

The Kidsignment sale is held two times a year at the Gwinnett County Fairgrounds. The Gwinnett County Fairgrounds is on Sugarloaf Parkway in Lawrenceville (sort of between Lawrenceville and Snellville). If you can locate Hwy 124/Scenic Highway and Sugarloaf Parkway on a map, that's the location. You can also visit the Kidsignments website for directions.

See this page for information on the Kidsignments Consignment Sale

On Saturday, all items that do not have NR on the tags will be 50% off.


  1. I a have consigned with Jeri since she has had only 150 sellers. Now she is up to 1000. This past spring I have had a terrible experience and I caution anyone thinking of consigning with Jeri. I put into the sale expensive white wicker baskets. They did not come back to me and not in the lost and found pile. I contacted her thinking that it may have been an over sight. It is now January and she still has not bother to contact me or my mom who also have tried to contact her. Jeri is the highest paid consignmet owner. I have noticed that she takes her 30% cut, but on top of that she takes more to cover other expences. She really ends up taking 50%. She is running a business I believe that some expenses she should absorb and not pass unto us. Many of her workers work as volunteers and she doesn't pay them. I have found her to be uncaring and unwilling to take any responsibilty. Her sale haS GOTTEN TOO BIG. Unless she is willing to resolve my concern I will never sell with her and will convence many others not too also.
    Please reconsider If you are thinking of consigning with her. There are many other places that do care and that are samller and more of your items get sold and you get more of your money back for your items you work so hard to prepare to sell. Sell at your own risk because she doesn't care only of her cut of the booty.

  2. This post is about 2 years old now. I just tried to look up the Kidsignments website and can't find it. I think maybe they are just updating the page, I'm not sure.

    But I'd like to tell you what I know. I've sold at the Kidsignments sale many times and I've never had a problem.

    Any seller at ANY consignment sale should know that things can and do get stolen. How is the organizer of the sale to know about everything and cover everything? They can't. Selling is at your own risk.

    Yes Jeri Lynn is running a business. It's pretty obvious. She deserves a good percentage. Yes the percentage is quite a bit, but if you looked at the expenses that get paid out of it, I think it would open your eyes.

    She needs to schedule and pay for air conditioning portable units in the summer, heating units in the winter. She needs to pay for the rental of the Gwinnett County Fairgrounds location. She needs to pay off-duty Gwinnett County Police officers to be there to keep us all safe. There are a lot of expenses in printing the postcards and postage. I could go on and on.

    People in the general public like yourself have no idea of the expense portion of the entire operation. All the sellers notice is the percentage that comes out of their cut. The sale goes on for an entire week. The income for Jeri is large, but so is the outgo.

    If you feel you have a legitimate claim against Kidsignments or Jeri, then you should take her to Small Claims Court, instead of trying to hurt her good name on the Internet. That could come back and hurt you, for defaming character, so you have to be careful about trying to resolve things online. Contact a lawyer and see if you ahve a case.
    Two good lawyers in Snellville GA are Warren Auld and Kelly Kautz.

    Good luck and thanks for visiting.

  3. First of all, my post is not 2 years old.
    Secondly, Jeri Lynn has answered my eamil.
    Without knowing, Jeri Lynn was unable to respond. She was now finally get back to her emails to get ready for the next sale. She saw my email and we have responded. She was very sorry for my inconvience and we came to a satifactory comprimise.

  4. I meant that the original blog post, by ME, is nearly 2 years old. I posted it on February 23, 2006.

    So it had to be found in a search, specifically for 'kidsignment blogs'
    in order to post bad things about the sale.

    I'm glad you came to an agreement with Jeri Lynn. I have always found her to be a wonderful person. It's not good to count on emails for communication.

    Just for future protection and knowledge, if you ever feel ripped off, you should send a letter by regular mail - and the best way would be Certified or Registered that requires a signature, so you will have proof that they did indeed receive your message. That gives you the first step toward having a civil case against someone.

    I just got my postcard that the next sale is in February! I think it's a great thing to sell if you have a lot of stuff, it makes it really worthwhile, but if you don't have much stuff, it's a lot of work to sell. I'm just going to go and enjoy shopping! :)


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