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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Snellville Drunk Driving Incidents

"SNELLVILLE - A Snellville police officer was released from the hospital Tuesday after a drunken driver T-boned his cruiser last weekend, officials said.

Officer Brian Rankin, 23, underwent surgery for a broken hip sustained when Antonio Todd Gore, 45, of Loganville ran a red light and plowed his Lincoln Navigator in the officer's driver's side door, police said.

The incident occurred about 1 a.m. Saturday at the intersection of Skyland Drive and U.S. Highway 78 in Snellville."

Police: Drunk driver sends officer to hospital
Gwinnett Daily Post - Griffin,GA,USA

There was a second person driving drunk who slammed into a parked police car at this scene. If you want to drink, then go for it if you want to damage your liver, it's your body and it's up to you. But just stay home -- don't get out and drive!

I know I am emotional about this, because about 6 years ago, I was driving a little Honda Civic hatchback on Halloween night and was almost T-boned by someone running the light at the same intersection -- Skyland Drive and Hwy 78.

I remember the event clearly, because my twin daughters were about 8 years old at the time. I did fine during the incident...I was actually proud of my offensive driving skills, but I had to pull over into a parking lot to stop shaking after I thought about what could have happened.

Well, enough about me. I hope Officer Rankin will heal well and be back on his feet soon!