I have been amazed at the size of the snowflakes, and that they have been falling for so many hours today. The kids have already been out in it for about 5 minutes. It's very wet so it's hard to stay out there very long.
It is very pretty. The temperature is going to get down to about 25 degrees overnight. I'm hoping there will be a little wind to dry up the roads, or we could be in for bad ice in the morning. Of course, the kids are hoping they won't have school tomorrow.
Officials from Gwinnett County Schools get out around 5 am and drive around to check conditions. They usually find that conditions are okay, much to my children's disgust. The kids wish the officials would just look out the window and decide they don't want to go out in that mess! But that never happens.
Here are some pictures taken by members of Victory Baptist Church in Loganville GA and a report from the Atlanta Journal Constitution about people enjoying the weather today.
The beautiful photo of a real snowflake crystal above came from SnowCrystals.com. Definitely a great site to check out if you are interested in snow.
Here are some other local snow experiences:
Jamie Parker, real estate agent's blog on ActiveRain.com
Dilettante's Dilemma blog
Jon Richard's blog at LawrencevilleWeather.com
I have some pretty photos of the snow and a video, enjoy! I watched the snow out my front winder all day today, it was beautiful! VN8