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Sunday, May 02, 2010

Drawing and painting classes

Have you ever wondered if you are any good at art? Or maybe you home-school your children and you need an art instructor.

Whatever the reason, and the reasons are many - a big one is just enjoyment of learning something new! Deborah Kepes (pronounced Kepps) is a portrait artist who knows the Snellville area well. She lives in Grayson and teaches classes in her home.

Classes are offered for ages 12 through adult in the following areas:
  • Drawing
  • Painting
  • Color Theory
  • Perspective
  • Muraling
  • Other classes are often available, just ask if you don't see what you need listed.
Classes are taught just off Highway 78 on Cooper Road in the Pebble Creek Farm subdivision.

Call for more information: 770-982-7472 or visit Ms. Kepes' website at