The Snellville Senior Center will have a day trip to Madison on September 16 from 9 am—4 pm. The cost is $3.00 plus lunch. Senior Center buses will be used for transportation to Madison. You must be a member of the Snellville Senior Center to ride the buses.
The buses will arrive at the Madison Visitor’s Center to pick up a downtown shopping guide and a walking brochure that covers the National Register Historic District.
Participants will be on their own to explore the many historic sites, 160+ antique dealers, 45+ specialty shops and numerous art galleries. Participants will meet up at the Madison Chophouse Grille for lunch.
Membership is available for those age 50 and better.
2009 Senior Center half-year memberships are available now and are valid through December, 2009. The cost for city residents is $9, $15 for non-city residents and $25 for out-of-county residents.
Sign up at the Senior Center front desk or call 770-985-3580 for more information.
You'll find a lot of useful links about the Senior Center activities and membership details at the City of Snellville's website here.