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Friday, November 06, 2009

Baggett appears to have mistrust of Snellville vote

I received some inside news that Niria Dominguez Baggett (the candidate who is getting a recount from Tuesday's Snellville City Council election after losing to Barbara Bender by only 7 votes) has now filed an open records request for thirty-seven items, including the maintenance records on the voting machine.

I can see supporting a recount when the vote is this close, but needing maintenance records on the machine?!? That's closing in on the ridiculous in my opinion. Especially after a candidate has personally witnessed the machine recounting the paper ballots with many reputable people in attendance. After the recount, her loss appeared to be by only 6 points instead of 7. I guess that was enough to cast additional doubt.

Ugh, is Hubs back from Taco Bell yet? I'm sick of politics.


  1. Anonymous10:45 AM

    That's her repugnant attorney-husband's advise most likely

  2. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Some want to see the divisiveness of the City Council continue. They reign when Snellville is mired in ridicule and inaction


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