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Thursday, November 05, 2009

Baggett demands vote recount

Well, I really, really considered Ms. Baggett for Snellville City Council. I was moved by her concern for the citizens of Snellville when I read her website. But what finally tipped the scale to vote for Barbara Bender was Ms. Bender's experience in Snellville (and I had previously never even heard of Niria Dominquez Baggett, even though I have been working on this Snellville blog for over 5 years) - However, I was willing to consider Ms. Baggett for Snellville City Council.

But finally, what it really came down to for me was to choose someone who would work well with the other candidates I had chosen. I knew Barbara Bender would/could do that, but I didn't know enough long-term information about Niria Dominguez Baggett on that important point. Maybe she would work well, but I didn't have enough information to know. So yep, one of those 6 or 7 votes that put Barbara Bender over the top was mine.

I'm not blaming Ms. Baggett though. If I was Niria Baggett, I would probably ask for a recount too, because the vote was so close.

Baggett said she wants a recount "to make sure everything is as it should be. A lot of people who were supporting me asked me to do that, and I think I owe it to my supporters."

Baggett, who is an attorney, said Georgia law gives her the right to be present during the hand recount and to inspect the ballots.

"I will make use of both those rights," she said.
Snellville City Council candidate wants recount
Atlanta Journal Constitution

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