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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Blood drive set for February 4

The American Red Cross will have a blood drive on February 4, 2010 from 2 pm until 7 pm at Snellville Middle School, located at 3155 Pate Road, Snellville.
Give blood today and change a life - starting with your own. All presenting donors may enter our drawing for a $1,000 gift card. There are many reasons for donating blood. Whatever your reason, please make time to give the gift of life. Make a difference.
An appointment is not necessary. If you think you are eligible to donate blood, please take a photo ID with you. To schedule an appointment online, go to and enter sponsor code Snellville. You can also call 1-800-GIVE-LIFE (448-3543). For more information, you can visit

To find out what you need to know before donating, and this is really good to read if you've never donated blood before - read this page.

If you are eligible to donate, please do. Only 38% of Americans are eligible to give blood, and of those, only about 8% donates.

Does it hurt to give blood?
It's never bothered me. The most pain I get from it is the band-aid pulling my skin on my arm when it's all over. I think it's also important to know that you don't just jump up and get in your car and drive. Take your time to eat the snacks they provide until you feel energized again. That usually takes about 10-15 minutes after the donation.

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