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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Old Olympic tennis venue may be saved

Now that the first phase of infrastructure has been addressed, members are turning their attention to a massive Stone Mountain tennis venue that was built for the 1996 Olympic Games. It was slated to be torn down, but now with a $40,000 grant and matching funds from the CID there's a feasibility study underway to see if the venue can be used for other things.

David Stedman, Director of Economic Development said there are a number of possibilities.

"The first idea is to utilize it for all sorts of activities--tennis or gymnastics and also for other things like concerts and high school graduations," Stedman said.

If the stadium stays members are talking about the possibility of building in a transportation hub to support rail and other transit to bring people into the area.


Revamped Hwy 78 Unveiled, Stadium Next Project