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Saturday, May 01, 2010

Snellville Days full of fun for everyone

This is just one little view of the entrance to Snellville Days. The festival and events cover the park. I know the park well, but it seemed transformed into something new today.

Did you have fun at Snellville Days? I sure did. It was a bit humid during the day and there was a bit of rain. The rain was light, but was enough to cause some people to leave during the day. I could see that some of the vendors were disheartened by that - I can tell you from experience, it takes a lot of work and preparation to participate as a vendor in something like Snellville Days. Luckily, the light shower didn't last long.

I bought a handcrafted cherry wood lamp from one of the vendors. I just love it. One of my daughters dislikes the lamp. Whenever she talks back to me, I threaten to leave the lamp to her in my will. So you see, the lamp is already useful!

The Snellville Days Festival continues tomorrow at T.W. Briscoe Park on Lenora Church Road. Admission is free, so you should go over there and check out all the neat handcrafted items. Don't worry, there is plenty of free parking at the park, and it's so organized it was amazing. If you were looking for a hassle, you won't find it here. If you have a dog who is comfortable with lots of people and children (and is properly rabies tagged/licensed) then you can bring him or her, on leash.

For the kids, there are inflatable rides/entertainment for the kids (this has a cost of about $1 per ticket, and most of the inflatables are 1-2 tickets each.)

In this photo, the giant shark inflatable looks like it's chomping on a crowd of people. And why not...people in Snellville are healthy and tasty.

Also available, pony rides are $5, and the kids get a decent amount of time on the ponies.

See the circular path that's been created on the ground? What do you say if, after Snellville Days, we leak to the press that Snellville has mysterious crop circles? Imagine the tourism dollars that would pour in!

Concert by the band Mother's Finest.

Mother's Finest is a sort of metal, sort of hard rock, sort of jazzy, sort of R & B, sort of soul band. Very high energy and really got the crowd involved. The lead singer reminded me of a compact Tina Turner. Mother's Finest has a lot of fans. Their biggest fans were right in front of me. The Super Fan trio of late 40's women hopped, bopped, and discoed (you know, the finger point in the air) to the tunes.

One woman said she had seen Mother's Finest in concert more than 20 times. They were really enjoying the concert. It was almost as much fun to just watch them. I considered moving a couple times to get a better view of the stage, but these ladies were such a hoot I stayed there. You know, those times when you really should get out of the way, but you are just mesmerized? No photo of them, because that would just be wrong. People still have the right to enjoy themselves without a camera-happy blogger posting every Mother's Finest Superfan's move.
Oops, I didn't get the camera level with the horizon. That's all it is, I promise. Please do not worry. Park buildings are not sliding downward to the right.

I'm surprised that I got this photo so wrong. It wasn't until later on in the evening that I was breathing in fumes of someone's, shall we say - leaves of a "medicinal" nature.

The biggest miracle of the day was when I remembered that I had parked in the fifth row of cars, about 9 down from the right. I was able to walk in near darkness right to my car. It really beats my old method of searching for my car nearly to the point of exhaustion.

Thanks to the great job done by the parking attendants and the Snellville Police, we were out of there really easily and quickly. It was such a nice day that I might even go again tomorrow.