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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Dorothy, We're Not in Bangladesh Anymore

We can all learn from the storm. Today I found out we're not in Bangladesh!
Snellville resident Marlyn Tillman would have just liked to get out of her home.

“Everyone wants to shift the conversation to equipment and funding,” she said. “They could have had 200 trucks, but if they implemented the plan that they had, we'd still be in the situation we’re in.”

Snellville spent about $15,0000 responding to the storm this week, including $9,000 on fuel, labor and equipment.

A native of Philadelphia, Tillman said Snellville, Gwinnett County and the state had no strategic plan going into the storm, which led to an after-the-fact response she finds “unacceptable.”

“For the amount of taxes I pay and overpay every year, I expect better service," she said. "I’m in metro Atlanta, not Bangladesh.”

From: AJC: Atlanta Weather - Winter weather costs adding up for metro cities, counties

According to, "The population of Bangladesh was estimated at 129,194,224 in July of 2000, making Bangladesh the tenth-most populous state in the world."

Have you ever noticed that almost everybody wants government to be smaller until they want something from the government, and then they wonder "why couldn't they do this?"

We had several days to be prepared for the incoming storm. Could local government done a better job? Probably, but they did what they could with what they had available. Many residents don't know that our Public Works Department has a very small maintenance crew --  Only 5 people, and they get an incredible amount of work done.

Did all Snellville residents do the preparation for extreme winter weather conditions that they could? I'm sure residents could have done a better job too. I should have bought more rock salt and canned ravioli, and I could have had a snow shovel. I didn't do everything as advised on I should have done a better job for my family.

This storm was extreme. I don't think we really want to pay for a bunch of equipment that's only going to be used once every 10 years, when some patience and sunlight will do the job.

I think that one of the most important lessons of the "Snowpocalypse" was that we humans are not God. We can't control every aspect of our lives. Sometimes we have to just wait.

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