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Thursday, August 31, 2006

Music On Main - Benefits Dreamhouse for Kids

Yvonne sent in this information about Music On Main -

" The Lilburn Business Association is putting on their 4th annual "Music on Main".
This event is to benefit the Dreamhouse for Kids, which is an organization that
helps medically fragile children. I'm inviting everyone to help in some way for
this great cause. You can either purchase a ticket and attend an evening of fun
and entertainment, become a sponsor(great advertising), or just make a donation.
Attending would be great! The tickets are $25 and they include dinner & music
in the park. There will also be many, many great items at our silent & live
auction for you to bid on. It takes place Saturday, September 9th, from 5-10pm.
To purchase tickets or for more information, visit the website:

Yvonne Pillert
Immaculate Cleaners