You know that it seems like every Friday I muse on some topic or another. The ideas come to me a lot when I'm driving.
I observed that you can tell a lot about the people or person who lives in a house just by looking at the house and all around the house.
I know I am a worrier, but I think it is smart to think about things the way a criminal would, to decrease your chances of becoming a victim.
Have you ever noticed the size of the trash cans?
There are smaller, thin Robertson trash cans, and to me they communicate that the resident
of the house with that small trash can is either single, perhaps a couple, but most likely an elderly person or elderly couple.
It seems insignificant, doesn't it? But I think that if someone has a criminal mind and wanted to hurt or rob an elderly person, those trash cans are almost like putting a sign out in front of the house that says "come and get me."
If my 80-year old mother lived in Snellville, I would demand that she get a more regular sized trash can. Big whoop if it's larger than what she needs. At least it wouldn't announce to all passers-by that she probably lives alone.
I think we should do away with those small trash cans.