Gwinnett County Public Utilities (ie Water) is encouraging residents to pick up their animal's wastes.
"Pet waste left on sidewalks, streets, yards or other open areas can be washed away and carried by rainwater into storm drains and drainage ditches which flow to nearby rivers, lakes, and streams. When pet waste enters our waterways, it decays using up oxygen dissolved in the water, contributes nutrients that cause excessive algae growth, and introduces bacteria that can cause disease. Remember, we use these waterways for fishing, swimming, recreation, and as our drinking water supply!"
When I first had my dog, I found picking up after him to be totally gross, but as time went on, picking up his leavings was not hard to do at all. Just a few plastic grocery sacks tucked in your pocket work great. I would put my hand inside a bag and use it as the pickup tool - so you don't touch le poopee' at all.
So, please pick it up. By picking up your pet's waste, bagging it, and properly disposing of it in a garbage can [and not throwing it at the pet owner's house, no matter how much you want to], you will be doing your part to prevent stormwater pollution.
You can report illegal dumping to storm drains or waterways by calling the Stormwater Management Division at 678-376-7000 (24 hour line). Illegal dumping to storm drains is a violation of Gwinnett County's Illicit Discharge and Illegal Connection Ordinance.