I have been procrastinating about posting about Anti-Procrastination Day.
I woke up today thinking that today's the day to get to all the stuff I've been putting off.
I took care of two biggies - well, they seem big when you're putting them off, but now that I've done them, I don't know why I put them off so long. I think I put them off because they had to do with my kids, and what these projects deal with has me kind of scared (appointment for mole removal by a plastic surgeon for my daughter and Speech Therapy Application for my 4 year old son.) You wouldn't believe the amount of paperwork and proof of residency that is required for the Gwinnett County Speech Therapy application!
I'm going to pick a certain day of each month to be Anti-Procrastination Day. That way, I can tell myself it's okay to put it off, but I can only put it off for so long before I get to the next Anti-Procrastination Day, and will be forced to take action.
The new issue of Good Housekeeping Magazine has some good tips on how to stop putting things off: LINK