This award was presented at the Christmas luncheon.
"Gwinnett Community Clinic (GCC) was awarded a $3,000 grant from the Emory Eastside Medical Center Auxiliary. Auxiliary president Joanne Gilbreath presented Dr. Laurence Lesser, clinic co-founder, a check to be used for the clinic's operations. Lesser, a local cardiologist and clinic volunteer and supporter for over 15 years, shared some of the heartwarming stories of GCC patient successes and disease interventions. He stressed that individual and corporate financial gifts are how the clinic is able to continue to provide healthcare services to the uninsured, indigent residents of Gwinnett County.
The GCC opened in the old Lawrenceville Health Department in 1988 and currently operates from the Emory Eastside Heritage Center on Fountain Drive in Snellville. Appointments are necessary. Patients may call for an appointment to determine qualification for clinic services by calling 770-985-1199.
The auxiliary raises money through its Forget-Me-Knot Gift Shop revenues, jewelry shows and annual bake sales. To learn more about the Emory Eastside Auxiliary, visit www.emoryeastside.com." LINK & LINK