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Sunday, July 06, 2008

Snellville QT Sign of the Times

This is a photo I took yesterday of the price sign at QT at the corner of Rockdale Circle and US78.
I'm going to stare at it and work on getting used to seeing that 4 there...

There are some resources online for finding the least expensive gas. Here is the page for Snellville gas prices at There is also a site called you may want to check out. I also have some tips for saving money on gas and everything else .


  1. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Sigh... I remember when $12 would fill up a car's tank. Now, it won't even fill up the small gas can that I use for my lawn mower!

    Therefore, I have decided to quit cutting my grass in an effort to protest unfair gas prices. Until the oil companies quit colluding and gouging me at the pump, I'm going to dedicate myself to growing a rainforest where my lawn used to be.

    By the way - corrected the link on my blog. Thanks for the listing here.

    And thanks for the Kroger updates... I'll pass that along to my wife, the official shopper.

  2. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Yeah...I'm just trying to get used to it. The good thing about it is that it will cause us all to exercise more. I try to look on the bright side of it.

    Regarding the grass cutting protest, it's not a bad idea, but there is a zoning ordinance in Snellville about the height of grass. I think the limit is 10 or 12 inches. The fine can be $1,000 bucks or time in jail...but that's only if the warning is ignored.

    We unfortunately have that tough grass called "Highway Grass..." it grows really high really fast, and weed killers won't kill it because it's a type of grass, not necessarily a weed. It's a nightmare. I am seriously considering getting one of those electric/rechargeable lawn mowers like I have linked to the right...I had an electric with a cord and I loved it, so I know I'd like the rechargeable a lot. It's wonderful to not buy gas.


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