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Wednesday, October 01, 2008

GA Sales Tax Holiday on Energy & Water Saving Appliances

The Georgia Sales Tax Holiday on energy and water-saving appliances starts tomorrow, Thursday, October 2, 2008 and runs through Sunday, October 5th. This is the 4th Annual ENERGY STAR Sales Tax Holiday. We will have no state sales tax charged for appliances priced $1,500 and less that are water and energy saving.

For more information and a list of the products that are included in this sales and local tax holiday, see the Georgia Department of Revenue's website.

"The sales tax holiday begins on Thursday, October 2, 2008 and runs through Sunday, October 5, 2008. During this time Georgians will not have to pay state or local sales taxes on the purchase of energy efficient or water efficient products that cost $1,500 or less per item. This is the first year the tax holiday has been expanded to include WaterSense labeled products. " - Link