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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

How Hard Times Could be Hidden Blessing

Reposting something I just wrote for I wrote it very quickly, it's just some quick thoughts and observations. Feel free to comment (use a name, please don't just post Anonymously) and tell everyone how you feel about the gas shortage. Go ahead and vent. We are all feelin' it! I know this post is a bit "Pollyanna-ish," I feel really positive with a can-do attitude about things one minute, but it is definitely a stressful situation that gets me down too.

I'm Talking Crazy! How a Hard Economy, Gas Shortage Could be a Blessing

I was just out, and boy, there isn't much traffic out there because of the gas shortage in Snellville. It's downright creepy.

I can't help but think about how this is hurting business -- not only in Snellville, but in Atlanta and all of the Southeast. But I think if we can all stay calm about it, it will all soon normalize. I know it's hurting local retail stores and restaurants a lot. The restaurants were already hurting, since many people have been eating at home.

It's a harsh situation, but we've been through other harsh situations. We've had ice storms that effected ability to travel for up to a week at a time, and that sort of thing. Spending would be down during those periods, but then it would bounce back. I hope that will happen this time.

One thing's for sure -- even once we can drive more easily again, our wallets will still be tightened. Retailers and restaurants are going to have to provide better service, because we will want a lot for our money. Our kids aren't going to get everything they want, instantly, any more. We'll all have to work harder, and therefore I think we will appreciate what we have more.

So, perhaps this is all a blessing in disguise.