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Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Police dog to undergo breed change operation to become a cat

A Snellville Police dog will be the first ever known to undergo a BCO (Breed Change Operation).

The K-9 cop, known as "Rusty," has always felt like a cat trapped inside a dog's body.

Although the breed change operation will incur costs up to 2 million dollars, Snellville residents don't mind an increase in their taxes if it helps a K-9 officer feel better about himself.

"I really like cats better than dogs anyway," said longtime resident of Snellville Edna LoWattage.

When we informed Mrs. LoWattage that her property tax will increase from $1,072 to $130,000 per year, she said that she will just work harder selling AVON. She plans to concentrate on a goal of selling 130,000 AVON lip balms to offset the increased taxes.

The police department says that Rusty's talent in his new feline status will be his ability to slink into small areas, but a problem they will need to watch for is post-operative catnip addiction.


  1. I've always felt more comfortable as a pony myself.

  2. I'm an idiot trapped in a blogger's body! Wait, maybe not really trapped.


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