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Monday, November 23, 2009

I can haz 100 dogs?

Did you realize that your neighbor(s) can have as many pets as they like? Your neighbor could have 100 dogs if he can take care of them all.

I found this out today, when I unfortunately had to call Animal Control about a loose dog I didn't recognize who charged at my family in our own driveway.

So the Animal Control officer came out, tried casually to catch the dog but was unsuccessful. (They don't really want to take the dog if they can tell it's connected with a house, because it would take the shelter space away from another dog).

The dog was protective of a certain house (a certain house that repeatedly has dogs out loose in the neighborhood, but I didn't recognize this one). The Animal Control officer said she looked in the windows and there were 2-3 dogs in the house and "several" dogs in the yard...add the one that's roaming to that number.

So I said, "Wow - is there a limit on how many dogs somebody can have?" And the officer replied that "they can have as many as they want, as long as they can afford to take care of them."

A note was left by Animal Control on the neighbor's door. I am certain that they will read it and just throw it in the trash. When the neighbor comes home, they will (hopefully) take the dog inside.

Anyway, isn't it incredible that somebody can have as many dogs as they want to have in Snellville? I really don't see why anybody would need more than 8 dogs. But you can't set a limit apparently, because somebody will cry that their civil rights are being violated. What about your neighbor's rights?

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