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Monday, February 08, 2010

Snellville man's goose attack on YouTube

It is the goose attack that's gone viral. Pro kayak fisherman Drew Gregory now has been seen around the world getting waxed by the water fowl. He's from Snellville -- but spoke to me by telephone from Charlotte, North Carolina.

"It's really insane how the world is connected and connected so quickly," said Drew Gregory.

Gregory said he'd been fishing and talking turkey with some geese for about an hour. And while river fishing gives him goose bumps, he wasn't expecting goose lumps.

"There is not much you can do except flail. And obviously me trying to get it off my back. Then it caused me to go in the water," said Gregory.

It wasn't the goose who got cooked. More than 150,000 people have watched the video on YouTube.

From: Snellville Man Attacked by Goose, Fox Atlanta News

1 comment:

  1. Tom Witts11:04 AM

    The man who was atacked is going to be on Fox and Friends Saturday Morning between &:00 Am and 9:00Am.


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