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Monday, March 15, 2010

Gwinnett gets ready for 2010 Census

Above: My Census envelope. They actually care where bloggers live! Ahhhh!!!

Did you get the letter from the Census office telling you to look for the Census itself? I had to mull that one over in my mind for a while. Seems like government waste to me (not the Census, but the letter.)

The only reason for it that I could come up with is that perhaps it helps reassure people that when they do receive the Census, it's the real thing, and not a scam of some sort. Maybe it prevents mass confusion and phone calls to government offices. But I don't know. Still seems unnecessary to send out those letters.

According to the US Census Bureau's Twitter page (yes, they really have one!):

$85 mil spent to print/mail advance letter & reminder postcard. Effect on response rates could save over $500 million."

Do you plan to answer the Census, or are you like Neil Boortz and think it's a way for The Government to spy on you or boost Democratic ballots?

I do plan to fill out the Census. I don't think there was a huge government conspiracy in 1850 and 1900 when my ancestors filled out their Census forms, and I don't think there's a conspiracy now. Even a garden club needs to take a roll call once in awhile. Because my family answered the Census, I know a lot more about them.

County gearing up for Census
LAWRENCEVILLE — With Census forms arriving in the mail to hundreds of thousands of Gwinnettians, the county government has set aside many local government ...


  1. christy jansen2:25 PM

    Just because your family filled out the Census does not mean you know more about them. Neal Boortz is only filling out the pertinent information on the Census, which everyone should do. The pertinent information would be address and number of adults and/or children in the house. They do not need to know my education level, my salary, my religious beliefs, race or anything else. The Census is a headcount for the congress to draw congressional lines. I intend to only fill out the pertinent information and that is all I am actually required to do by law. Unless those idiots in Washington have passed a law in secret, would not surprise me, about how much you have to tell on the Census. This is a head count and that is all you should give them is the head count in your residence.

  2. I just filled out my Census form and it does not ask for address at all. I don't mind telling them I'm white.

    I disagree with you about whether the Census has told me more about my family. It HAS. I know many things that I would not have known without Census data. Ask any genealogist and he or she will tell you that Census records are extremely useful in tracing family trees.

    The Census does not ask your education level, so don't worry about that. They also do not ask your religious beliefs.

  3. Anonymous4:13 PM

    The government needs to COUNT me. The government does NOT need to PROFILE me. Huge difference.

    I filled out the two questions that allow them to COUNT me: question 1, the number of people living in my house (1), and question 5, my name. The rest is profiling.


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