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Friday, April 30, 2010

Former Snellville councilman to challenge Balfour

SNELLVILLE, GA--Former Snellville City Councilman,
Joe Anderson (51), threwhis hat in the ring today for State Senate District Nine.
The seat is
currently held by Don Balfour, who in March announced he would run for US
Congress while traveling Egypt, only to later announce that he would not run
for Congress or re-election to the State Senate, only to later announce that
he would indeed run for re-election.

Anderson said "My experience in local government and as a small business
owner will enable me to better serve my Lord, my country, my state, and my
community at the State Capital."

Anderson is a small business owner, and has been a resident of Gwinnett
County for 23 years. Anderson has served his community on the
Snellville/Gwinnett County Transportation Study Team, the Snellville
Planning Commission, the Atlanta Regional Commission MIS on US 78, the
Citizen Project Selection Committee for the 2001 SPLOST, and was twice
elected to the Snellville City Council. Anderson and Sydney, his wife of 29
years, are active members at Cannon United Methodist Church.