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Monday, April 05, 2010

List of Snellville streets

Have you ever wondered how you can tell whether an address is in Snellville or not?

Did you know that an address can have a Snellville mailing address, yet not be truly IN Snellville? There are also Loganville mailing addresses that are actually in Snellville.

Sometimes we think that businesses we frequent are in Snellville, but they're really in Loganville or Lawrenceville. The shops at the Avenue at Webb Gin, for example, are actually in Lawrenceville, as far as taxes go. It's not important, unless you want to spend your money where it will help Snellville.

Here is a pdf listing of all the streets that are in Snellville
. When it comes to streets like Scenic Highway and Highway 78, you will need to know the specific address to verify it by number that it's located in Snellville.