Prayer Request.... Kayala Scott , her 22 month old son, shot himself in the chest with a brad nailer. It went in his heart. He is now in critical condition and not doing good. Neither is his mom. Please start a prayer chain for the baby!! Please copy and would want someone to do this for you! PRAY!
According to, this prayer request is going around with several different moms' names
Is the prayer request real? Well, there is a prayer request, so that part's real. But was there really a toddler who shot himself in the chest with a nail gun? It's been known to happen. One case was documented in 2004. So whether this particular case is real or not is unknown, and if you care to pray, it certainly can't hurt anything to do so. I just get irritated by people who start these chains just to get a chuckle or get a rise out of people. They cause others unnecessary worry and concern.