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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Ethics Ordinance is an albatross Snellville doesn't need

We do NOT need an Ethics Ordinance in the City of Snellville. It's one of those things that sounds really good on the surface.

It is especially good when the candidate or attorney who brought up the Ethics idea is up for election, because the candidate can put on promotional postcards "established Snellville's first Ethics Committee," or "Keeping Them HONEST!" and other political nonsense like that to get re-elected or help their side business when the council member's name gets in the press.

But in real life, it just becomes a way for politicos to manipulate citizens to do their dirty work for them, or an ethics complaint used as a weapon - to lodge a complaint against their candidates' opponent, and to distract our City Council from the real important work that needs to be done. We need things to continue to move forward in Snellville, not a distraction that bogs things down in political power struggles.

I won't post her name here (just like you don't say Lord Voldemort's name out loud), but the City Council member who is the "Champion" of this Ethics thing didn't have anything to do with the Snellville Farmers' Market or Snellville Tourism and Trade Association, or any of the things lately that have gotten Snellville moving forward in image and in the press. If you pay close attention, you will find that whenever there is negative press about Snellville, a certain City Council member's name is attached. Like a barnacle. 

Mayor Jerry Oberholtzer said, "What Snellville needs is a true ethics ordinance that can only be used to pursue legitimate claims, not one meant to create more controversy and distraction, like this has become."

I will tell you I am really bummed out by this. Just when Snellville's image was looking so good, and we were having positive coverage in the press, we have to have this: 

Ethics law stymies Snellville leaders
Atlanta Journal Constitution

Every time Snellville gets bad press, I can almost hear my home's value decreasing.

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  1. Isn't it ironic that the one person who is "championing " this debacle is the one who does the least, but garners the most attention. It is the only way she can keep her name in the paper. If the people only knew!!

  2. You're trying to make an argument AGAINST a codified ethics policy? Here's a question: if Kelly Kautz, Robert Jenkins and Warren Auld held the majority on the Council, would you be against an ethics policy then?

    The City Council should adopt an ethics policy with an outside review and quit whining.

  3. Bob, please explain to me why we need it. I respect your opinion and am honored that you read my blog. The way I feel about this is that regardless of who's in office, if the people elect them in there, they can elect them out! I have some information I could lodge as a complaint. It just depends what the statute of limitations will be.


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