It works like this:
- You register at that site, putting in your Kroger Plus Shoppers Card. The Kroger Plus Card is free, if you do not have one.
- You select the coupons you would like pre-loaded to your card. You can print out a list of the offers if you like (I opted not to - if I end up buying any of the items it will just be a bonus.)
We should also be able to use a manufacturer's coupon for the same item in the same transaction, so that can really be a bargain!
This may be the way all coupons will be done in the future, if this venture is successful.
Proctor and Gamble has this deal with other grocery store chains, but Kroger is the only one in the Atlanta area.
For more information on how to save a lot of money using coupons and a lot of good couponing links, visit my Using Coupons page!