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Thursday, November 08, 2007

Snellville Mayoral Vote Recount

The votes for Snellville Mayor were/are being recounted. This report on the AJC is very good, I almost felt like I was actually there! LINK

I'm sure that 200 people out of the 11,000 registered voters in Snellville who actually voted are just on pins and needles. The rest are quietly enjoying their apathy.

"The count was still ongoing about 5 p.m., as a small audience of about 20 people — city and county staff, high-powered Atlanta attorneys and interested Snellville neighbors — looked on.

Garraway asked for the recount. Only 19 votes separated him from Oberholtzer at the polls. The vote Tuesday was 1,101 to 1,082.

"The law says if it less than one percent and it's a proper request, then a recount is authorized," said Snellville's interim city manager Jim Brooks.

Oberholtzer did not attend the recount. He was represented by his attorney Adam M. Walters of Powell Goldstein of Atlanta.

"Jerry is in Augusta working, he has an emergency project," explained Walters in between vote counts. "We have no problems with doing a recount." "