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Monday, January 07, 2008

Snellville Dork of the Day (SDOTD)

Feel free to nominate your own Snellville Dork of the Day by leaving a blog Comment, but please - no names! Chances are that somebody, somewhere, knows them. In fact, the chance is probably 100% that somebody knows them.

I can't really decide between these two - so I guess it's a tie.

First nominee: the person in the white Mercedes who thought that I drove too slow, although I was driving about 5 miles over the limit (I confess), he/she had to pass me and cross over a double stripe to do it. Then, he/she zipped around, passing some more cars illegally, and on dangerous curves in the road.

The other nominee is my neighbor(s), who are too lazy to get out and walk their dogs in the morning, so they just let their dog(s) out the front door to roam the neighborhood to defecate in any yard but their own.


  1. Anonymous2:17 PM

    I nominate anybody who talks on a cell phone while driving.... excuse me, while trying to drive.

  2. Ooh! Good one! I think my driver and the cell phoning drivers will make the Darwin Awards someday!


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