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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Snellville citizen input needed

An email from Barbara Bender:

On Monday night, the Snellville City Council will vote on whether to put a referendum on the ballot in November for Sunday sales of liquor by the drink. This referendum will allow the citizens of Snellville to vote on this issue. Please note that this is NOT a vote by any Councilmember for or against Sunday sales. It IS a vote to allow the citizens of Snellville to decide whether to allow Sunday sales.

If you, the voter, would like the opportunity to vote on this issue in November, I urge you to email the Councilmembers to vote for the referendum on Monday night.

The email addresses are as follows:

joberholzter[AT] (MySnellvilleBlog says: "email address bounced")
Please act as soon as possible. If you would like to attend the meeting and voice your opinion, the meeting is this Monday, Sept 28th at 7:30 pm.

Barbara Bender

Related links:
Rich Sullivan sounds off about Snellville liquor laws

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