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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Snellville sign waste

Would you ever think about parking in a designated exit/turn lane on Highway 124/Scenic Highway? Do you need about 39 signs to tell you that?

How about duplicate signs - a sign right behind another one that has the same message on it? (I think the duplicates are there because it's one teams' job to install the signs, and another teams' job to uninstall and the uninstall team hasn't been out yet to do their work...well, let's see...

Check out the video, leave a comment...who do we talk to about this issue?


  1. Anonymous10:16 AM

    There are 2 political factions in Snellville government and each needs it's own set of signs. When the Snellville voters start electing adults maybe common sense will prevail

  2. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Now I'm ticked. I always pass the 985 exit, which I only hit once a year, because the only sign indicating where to turn is for traffic coming in the other direction. And now I see this waste! Hey, how about putting up the important signs and removing these? That's an idea, eh!

    BTW: Who is responsible? The DOT?

  3. Good work. The people responsible for the waste should be reprimanded or fired. I would not push for taking the extras down, though. That's just more $ down the tubes. Instead try for policy/regulations on spacing for new & replacement signs.


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