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Thursday, November 05, 2009

Voting statistics Snellville 2009 election

I'm a statistics nut. I just find it interesting. Yeah, total nerd! I hear ya.

I got to wondering how many out of some 18,500 residents in Snellville actually vote.

Not only did I find out how many registered voters are in Snellville as of November 1, 2009 (10,797), I also found out ethnicity and gender.

  • Black female voters: 1,452
  • Black male voters: 1,021
  • White female voters: 3,907
  • White male voters 3,287
  • Asian/Pacific Islander female voters: 79
  • Asian/Pacific Islander male voters: 77
  • Hispanic/Latino female voters: 117
  • Hispanic/Latino male voters: 180
  • Native American female voters: 3
  • Native American male voters: 4
  • Other (not specified male or female or any ethnicity): 770
Data from: Georgia Secretary of State's Office

In the November 3, 2009 Snellville City Council election, about 10% of those registered to vote did vote.

Do you think that was a good turn out of voters?
Maybe it was a good turn out as far as municipal elections usually go.

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