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Friday, March 12, 2010

South Gwinnett High principal speaks out on gang incident

This letter from South Gwinnett High School's Principal Mr. Clay Hunter was published in a special March 12th edition of the school's newsletter. This letter is in response to the media coverage of the gang initiation beating that occurred sometime between the end of November and the Christmas holiday break. To see more information about the beating incident, see my crime blog.
Dear Parents/Guardians,

On Thursday of this week, there was an article in the newspaper about several students who were arrested for carrying out acts of violence here at South Gwinnett High School. It is unfortunate yet important to note that all of the people involved were willing participants in the act. There were no innocent victims involved. In addition, it is important to note that this incident took place last semester. It was brought to our attention by a parent. As soon as our administrators were informed of the situation they acted to find the perpetrators and issue consequences.

As you are aware, our school does not tolerate violence of any kind which is why our school leaders took immediate action. The students involved now face both criminal charges and school disciplinary action.

I want to emphasize that this event took place last semester. This is important to note because South Gwinnett began taking steps at the beginning of this semester to prevent these types of incidents from taking place again. One such step is the change in our tardy policy that limits the opportunity for students to engage in inappropriate action. This policy has also led to an increase presence of staff members in the hallways in between classes. In addition, our guidance counseling department has been working on small group counseling for students who are at-risk. Finally, I want to let you know that I have begun talks with PTSA about coordinating opportunities for parents to serve as hall monitors next year. We will be working on a plan of action and hope that we have a healthy number of parents take time to volunteer.

As you know, the vast majority of our students never get into trouble at school. They are respectful, thoughtful young people who care about their studies, their school, and each other. We firmly believe that these students should not have to tolerate disruptions from the few students who misbehave. And we are working diligently to ensure that students who do not follow the school system's discipline code face appropriate consequences. That said, know that the reports you hear about arrests or disciplinary action taken in such situations are evidence of the positive steps our school is taking to provide a safe, orderly, and productive learning environment.

As we all know there are times when community issues affect our school. This is not something unique to our school; in fact it is a national trend. However, here at South Gwinnett, we are working proactively to address these issues. The fruits of our labor can be seen in our state-wide recognition for the highest gains on the high school graduation test and an increase in the number of students who are taking Advanced Placement courses.

Know that your involvement is critical to the success of our students and our school. That is why I appreciate your continued support of our school and the efforts we take to provide a secure learning environment for our students.

Clay Hunter
South Gwinnett High School

1 comment:

  1. Sounds good. Now lets put it into action. Especially patroling the halls (but) lets not forget the grounds where everyone is gathering.


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