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Monday, May 10, 2010

Snellville to change Everybody's Somebody slogan

Tom Witts (Councilman) shows slogan (photo taken at T.W. Briscoe Park)

A subtle change to our city's slogan, from "Snellville - Where everybody's somebody" to "Snellville - Where everybody's PROUD to be somebody"

Snellville to change its slogan
Atlanta Journal Constitution
By Shane Blatt Phil Skinner, Snellville Councilman Tom Witts with his new city slogan idea. "Everybody's Somebody in Snellville" is one of ...


  1. Grammatically this change actually turns an all inclusive positive motto into a seemingly benign statement that hearkens a feeling of Stuart Smally Daily affirmations with a sad, "take a look at me", undertone.
    I believe the change, in proper grammar, they were looking for by definition would be:
    Snellville- Proud to live where everybody's somebody.

  2. Good point. I've often thought of our slogan with sort of an Orwellian overtone: "Snellville - Where everybody's somebody but some are more somebody than others." It's just a little joke for myself that makes ME chuckle. Probably other people don't get it or see any humor in it and will be offended. Sigh.

  3. We've actually had several slogans. There's "Where everybody's somebody" but there's also been "Striving for the highest" and "A place to call home."

  4. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Hats off to the Snellville City Council for taking positive steps to make positive improvemnts to our city and its spirit. It is very easy to find fault, much harder to attempt to make positive improvement.

  5. I think this is totally ridiculous! What are they gonna do next... Change the name of the city cause that sounds funny too?! I loved the old motto because it was unique and attention grabbing! I also liked the meaning of the old motto. "Where Everybody's Somebody"... I always took that as our government worked hard to make their citizens feel special or in other words, a "somebody." I think it's a step backward changing the motto. Why should we try to be like everybody else? After all, we are somebodies aren't we? ...Well... I guess not anymore.


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