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Saturday, July 03, 2010

Letter calls Sunday alcohol sale vote "matter of prayer"

A group identified as "Concerned Citizens of Snellville" have been distributing this letter/flyer that outlines how these concerned citizens would like others to vote.

It heavily hints (ie guilt trip) that Christians should vote against alcohol sales in restaurants in Snellville on Sundays.

It says: "Please make this critical issue a matter of prayer, and follow your convictions."  We have to ask, whose convictions? The convictions they decide we should have? lol!

I think some people are trying to make this issue a battle between believers and non-believers. Clearly though, many non-drinking Christians see this as an economic, freedom-to-conduct-business and liberty issue, and believe the Sunday alcohol sale issue should get a resounding YES vote. Why do some want to guilt-trip you into the vote they think you should give? I don't need my church or minister telling me which way to vote, just as I don't call Snellville City Hall when I need spiritual advice!

I have followed my conviction that there is nothing wrong with consuming an alcoholic beverage in a restaurant in Snellville on a Sunday. If those opposing Sunday alcohol sales in restaurants are concerned about alcoholism, people who are truly alcoholics aren't going to let the Sunday restaurant alcohol ban keep them from getting it. They're going to figure out a way to get it, and not being able to buy it in a restaurant on a Sunday doesn't even figure into the equation.

There are many other things that are addictive - the Internet, food, we ban them on a certain day of the week? Of course not. I'm not making light of addiction, I'm just saying that nearly everything has the possibility of becoming addictive to someone.

It's part of my convictions to defend people who are not of the same faith as myself to have the right and liberty to consume a legal product in a responsible manner on any day of the week  - unhindered by the religious beliefs of someone else.I will also defend the right of Snellville businesses to earn a legal profit on a legal consumable product they are licensed to sell in Snellville, Gwinnett County, in the State of Georgia.

The last I heard, Snellville was in the United States of America. Ending the oppression of this prohibition will only be better for Snellville's economy (more quality businesses will mean a lower property tax, among other positive aspects).

Cities all around Snellville have accepted legal alcohol sales in restaurants on Sundays. Why should Snellville be stuck in the past?

Help repeal this prohibition in Snellville. You can vote at Snellville City Hall if you live within Snellville City limits - Through July 20, 2010. Take valid driver's license. For more information, visit

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  1. You're right. Why does Snellville have to be the poster child for bass-ackward-ness? It's really stupid that this even HAS to come to a vote. The answer is obvious to vote yes

  2. The very fact that this IS a voting issue means that people have the right to vote their conscience (or conviction or whatever you'd like to call it). To deprecate those whose belief may be different than yours depreciates the value of this thing we call freedom. There are other intelligent people like you who call themselves Christian who believe that the effect of alcohol in society isn't a good one. Maybe they believe the facts speak for themselves.

    FACT: alcohol-related problems make it the third leading cause of death in the United States. FACT: Alcohol impaired driving was involved in 32 percent of traffic crash fatalities in 2007, resulting in 12,998 fatalities. FACT: Almost one in four victims of violent crime report that the perpetrator had been drinking prior to committing the violence. FACT: Approximately 39 percent of accidental deaths and 29 percent of suicides in the United States are linked to the consumption of alcohol.

    And just to set aside the so-called "economic consideration," FACT: The total monetary cost of alcohol-attributable consequences (including health care costs, productivity losses, and alcohol-related crime costs) in 1998 was estimated to be a staggering $185 billion.

    So maybe being stuck in the past isn't such a bad thing after all. Some of our best times can be remembered from "back in the day." And that's a good thing.

  3. I personally don't think alcohol is so great. But it's a legal product. If all the "FACT:"s that you have put forward are correct, then we should move immediately for alcohol to be illegal, BUT - EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK - not just Sunday.

  4. Anonymous7:24 PM

    I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free..... except for Snellville on Sundays! VOICE YOUR CHOICE and vote Yes for Freedom in Snellville on Sundays! Vote now at City Hall through July 20th!!! Freedom to choose to have a beer in any restaurant on Sunday with the zip code 30078!

  5. Brenda10:42 PM

    Dennis, your FACTs don't address how to improve the economic decline in Snellville, which is the issue. What FACT based solutions do you propose to increase Snellville's tax revenue, improve property value and bring quality businesses to the city?

  6. I should have mentioned in previous comment ... the "FACTS" are from a 2007 Traffic Safety Annual Assessment – Alcohol-Impaired Driving Fatalities by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (

  7. So it's okay with you that people are having a beer with their meal in a restaurant on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday then? Did the National Hwy Traffic Safety Administration say that people just tend to drive more haphazardly on SUNDAYS for some reason? LOL!

  8. The more I think about it, I want to outlaw IMPATIENCE. That seems to kill more people than anything, it causes speeding, rash decisions like frantic turns in front of incoming traffic on US78. Impatience is probably also the cause of road rage.


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