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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

English, Please?

The Gwinnett Buzz Blogger's site has a page devoted to reporting businesses that share English with another language on their signs or their materials. It says that they are diluting English as our main language.

I only have a problem with it when it's a government entity, with our tax dollars being used for it. We shouldn't be spending extra paper and ink, not to mention paying for translators. I get a little bugged when I see school materials in both English and Spanish - lately at Britt Elementary - but they use the same piece of paper and put the Spanish language on the back. The main expense is the paper, and that has already been bought, so it's hard to find issue with that. They are using both sides of the paper.

But when a private business wants to make their materials bilingual, tri-lingual, or even quad-lingual, that's their choice. I'm really against people telling businesses what to do. I'm all for feedback, so if you don't like that a company translates their materials then please send them feedback if you feel strongly about it.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Thanks for linking to my English, Please! page. I agree with you almost 100%. My biggest concern, as well, is government resources used to enable the use of any language other than English in official business. Not only is it the resources, but I also have a concern with the enabling of people to come and live in our country without having to assimilate into our culture. As Commissioner Lorraine Green said in a candidates forum the other night (though she was specifically talking about illegals) we have to make Gwinnett (and I would suggest America) an uncomfortable place. I would clarify that it should be uncomfortable if you want to come to America, enjoy the benefits of our nation, but not take the step that so many immigrants in our history have done and embrace America and attempt to become American.

    As for business, I also agree that businesses should not be told what they can do with respect to doing business in a second language. In no way, should doing so be outlawed. I fully believe in freedom of expression. However, we as customers can express our disagreement and vote with our wallets and our feet. Choosing who we do business with over various issues is a common way to urge businesses to choose to behave in some manner.


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