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Friday, October 02, 2009

An easy way to help your local school

Many of our Snellville schools participate in the Box Tops for Education program. Maybe you've seen the little pink Box Tops for Education rectangles on some of your grocery packages. When schools collect those rectangles and send them in, the schools get some money for each of them. Those little bits (I think it's about a dime for each) really add up!

W.C. Britt Elementary on Skyland Drive is trying to collect as many of these little Box Top tickets as possible in order to purchase a BrainPOP educational computer program subscription. They need to raise $1,300 for this purpose.

Please consider collecting these little tickets from your grocery packages. You don't even necessarily have to take the time to cut them out perfectly - it would be great if you could, but even if you just tear them out, someone will volunteer to get these cut for the school. Just start saving them, pop them into a plastic baggie, and you can drop them off at Britt or a school of your choice, and it's sure to be appreciated! Even easier, if you have a neighbor with kids, give the Box Tops to them, and their child can take them in to school when they go. Nothing could be easier!

For more information on the Box Tops for Education program, visit

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