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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Judge rules against Snellville Sunday liquor sales

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The judge said the state law is clear and that it’s an issue that is not for the city council to decide, but the voters.

“I believe what the city of Snellville did by not having a referendum has disenfranchised voters by not allowing them to vote on it,” said Judge Mark Lewis.

With that ruling, Lewis essentially nullified the Snellville City Council’s decision to allow liquor by the glass sales on Sundays.

City officials said their decision would help businesses that struggle with losing customers to other cities who do allow liquor by the glass sales on Sunday.

But the judge said the city went about enacting it the wrong way and that any licenses issued since the city council action are void.

The city countered after the hearing. “We certainly respect the opinion of the court, but we respectfully disagree,” said Snellville city attorney Winston Denmark. "We believe that there were several errors that the court committed in this ruling and the city is exploring its options at this point."

Denmark could not elaborate on whether that means an appeal of Wednesday’s decision or just waiting until they can put the issue up for a vote on the next available ballot.

Judge: Snellville Acted Illegally In Alcohol Controversy

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