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Monday, February 01, 2010

2010 Snellville Days plans include Ellie Mae Clampett

If you are interested in how the plans are coming along for Snellville Days, see this pdf of the January 5, 2010 committee meeting.

All I can say is, "Ellie Mae Clampett." If that piques your curiosity, check it out here. Love Donna Douglas (the actress who played the part of Ellie Mae), love the show The Beverly Hillbillies, but is it good for Snellville's image?

No offense intended toward this dear lady, but I think we need to move away from anything redneck, and I know that sounds very negative of me to say, but there it is. I put it out there, didn't I?

Meet y'all out back by the C-ment pond. We's gonna be wrasslin'!


  1. Doyle McDaniel12:27 PM

    Ellie Mae is very fitting for Snellville. I'm sure she is as revelant to the city of Snellville leadership and citizens as the daughters of Noah.

  2. Doyle McDaniel12:35 PM

    I just read the minutes regarding the discussion of Ellie Mae and Snellville Days. Debbie said "she (Donna) would be recognized at the airport because she looks bascially the same." How delusional can any one be! The picture of Ellie Mae posted on this blog looks nothing like the Ellie Mae of the Hillbillies...What rerun has Debbie been watching?


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